Best Small Business Names

Best Small Business Names

Best Small Business Names

Ok, so up to now this site has been some fun and games with fun and interesting business names that get your attention.  While we still want you keep sending us your Best Names Ever ideas, posts, photos or whatever but we would also like this to be an education resource for anyone who is starting a business, company or launching a product whether it be a soft drink, electronic product, app what ever.

We will be continually be bringing you ideas for you to get the Best Name Ever for you new venture.  We would also like this site to be a sounding board, that if you had an idea for a product or business name, please feel free to post them here and get it out there and see what people feel about your ideas.

That said let’s get to the topic at had, ideas for the Best Small Business Names.

Small Business Naming & Corporate Identity – It’s said in today’s market it is not good enough to have a business name that is just that… good enough.  The best business name is one that stands out, one that is concise clear and generally easy to spell.  Your customer should be able to pronounce this name, with few variations on pronunciation and be able to communicate to others clearly but most importantly the best name for a small business is one that you will be able to use.

If you are a small barber shop in a small town and you don’t want to expand and that’s it, this may not apply to you but, if you are looking to be a sizable company or launch a product or your looking to have a web presence you need to make sure you can use said name.  I know you might be thinking that you can ‘t afford a Trademark Lawyer, we we’re going to give you some great free advice.

Examples of the Best Small Business Names:

  • Vyade

    Vyade – Forward thinking business name. If your a forward thinking company that wants the world to know how forward you are with your business name, is an excellent choice.

    $1,816 Add to cart
  • Ryask

    Ryask – Interesting business name. Ryask is short and modern sounding and perfectly suited for a tech start up or “next generation” business.

    $1,517 Add to cart
  • The first thing you should do is to run the name through any search engine; Google, yahoo or whatever.  See what comes up.  If there are a lot of companies using similar names in similar industries you might be better served to look for a better name.  If you just come across names in different industries you are off to a good start.

    Now it you are in the US or Canada or you plan on using this name in the US you need to check this name with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or U.S.P.T.O.  This is way easier then you think it would be.  All you have to do is first go to the U.S.P.T.O. sight and figure out your Classification of Goods and Services you would be operating in.  Just because you are using a name for your business or in one classification does not mean someone else can’t use that name in another.

    We like to use the example of United Airways and United Moving Van.  Both companies are using United as their business names of United but because they are in separate Classifications they are both able to register and use the name.  The USPTO would call them non-Confusingly Similar.

    Going forward, when you are looking for the Best Small Business Name, find out if you are able to use it.  There is no reason for you to waste your time finding the “best name” just to find out today, tomorrow or in five years you can no longer use it.

    If you have any thoughts about this post please let us know by posting it below.  Do you have any thoughts on finding the best small business name or helpful tips or hint on how to find them we want to hear from you.  Better yet, if you are a small business owner has been suffering through this process we really want to hear from you; we want the good bad and ugly.

    Be sure to also check out our How to Name a Business Blogs for our thoughts on how to develop the best business names.

    11 Responses

    1. How to Name a Business

      Hey! This is Great Post to anyone finding how to name a Business. best tips you shared here to choosing a good name for any company.

      • admin

        Thanks for your comment.

        A good business name is just not enough in today’s market, you need the best business name ever! We really love sharing tips for new companies and business starting out and what most people don’t realize is that there is just so much free information for people starting business but no one ever tells them that.

        Thanks again for your comments.

    2. Buy Domain Name

      I couldn’t agree more. The best company names stick in your head and are easy to spell, communicate and are easily typed into the computer (ie, no hyphens or weird spellings). You’ve got some great ideas here!

      • admin

        Thanks for the compliment and the comment. Hyphens in domain names are just confusing and wierd spellings are just going to direct people to the wrong site. Those 2.0 names were just a fad. They were interesting and would work well for an app but if you noticed all the 2.0 names like Twittr also bought because they weren’t taking any chances with people going to the wrong site.

        Thanks so much for your comment and please let us know if we can help you develop the best business name for your new venture!